
Abandoned pets

There is no way anyone would ever do this to their kids. So the advertisers are saying why would you do this to your pets? Strong message!





Here is the story leading up to this video. This Praire dog was waiting in line to go shopping on the biggest shopping day of the year. He was not pleased when he found out after waiting all this time to get in on the sale they were out of stock. Here is his reaction when the clerk told him they were out!


Smart Horse

Jessica the pet hippo!

Jessica the Hippo has made herself a member of this South African family. And they have pretty much adopted her as their own! Jessica even gets massages!


Shopping Penguin (yes I did say that!)

Since everyone is getting ready to shop I thought this video would be perfect! This is so adorable! Look at his little backpack!


Driving Dog!

Have you ever seen a dog drive a truck before? Have a look at this clip!

Here is a commercial for Heinken with a dog driving a car!


Baby Duck feeds fish!

Here are some nice relaxing videos to look at!

Baby duck and puppies


Tallest Dog in the World!

Here is the tallest dog in the world, or is it a small pony?!

Backstreet Parrot

First there was a beat boxing parrot, now look at this parrot dance to the backstreet boys! Look at how he really has the beat too! It is really incredible!
When the song is finished he gets really excited about his performance!


Simon Says!

This dog knows how to play Simon Says! Can you believe it?!

Animals are so neat! Some of the videos I have found and am going to be posting soon are incredible! Stay tuned!

Latte Cartoon

Even dogs get hooked on Lattes!


Talking Cats!

These cats really do talk it seems!

Here is another cat saying hello. The owner thinks this is what it sounds like

"Hello, Hello, Hello, I Know Hello, Hello Hello Hello. Hello. I'm Alone, I'm on my own, I'm Alone, I know hello."

Beatboxing Parrot!

This parrot can beatbox! How funny!


Dancing Dog

This dog is INCREDIBLE! I have no idea how this lady was able to train this dog to dance like this! Look for the footwork about mid-way through. I like the fact that it looks like they are both having a great time!

Here is another but I am not able to add it to the website. You will be directed to you tube. Click here.


Tyson the skateboarding dog on OPRAH

Promo about Tyson on Oprah

Backstage with Tyson and Oprah

MSN video

Here is a video link on MSN video about a new website that is hoping to help dogs in shelters that have no hope.

Want to give this pup a home?
Want to give this pup a home?


Puppies vs. Cat

This cat was outnumbered!


The Economy is affecting Animal Shelters

Here is a link to the problem many animal shelters are having. Click Here (this takes you to a new site.) I am sure this is happening all over. Perhaps this is a really great time of the year to donate some money, supplies, time if we can!


Dog wigs on David Letterman

Ok. you can't help but laugh at this video! This woman has been designing wigs in hollywood for years and now is designing them for dogs! If after looking at this you want to buy one for your little baby, click here!

Poll results

mostly sweaters 3 (20%)

a dog dress 2 (13%)

bandana 2 (13%)

nothing 8 (53%)

nice collars 4 (26%)

Votes so far: 15
Poll closed

thanks for all the votes!
look for the new poll on here!


Canada Dog goes all out!

Have you ever seen a poodle like this?


Dogs look like their owners

What do you think, do these dogs look like their owners?

Exercising your dog

We've all heard the old saying "idle hands are the devil's tools." The popularity of the adage stems from its validity. Those who are not able to keep themselves busy are far more apt to fill their time with inappropriate acts. If re-written to apply to man's best friend, the notion that "idle paws are the devil's tools" would ring true, as well. A dog who is not sufficiently engaged in physical activity is far more likely to present behavioral challenges.

Often, we hear complaints about dogs who are simply uncontrollable. They engage in destructive behaviors without any apparent or obvious reason. They may dig the dreaded backyard holes, destroy property or simply be difficult animals with whom to get along. These problems can be the outgrowth of any number of things, but quite often the root cause of such difficulties nothing more than idleness. A dog that is not sufficiently exercised will find other outlets for his energies. Unfortunately, when left to his own devices to find an outlet, a dog may very well choose less than appreciated activity.

Professional trainers have long understood the value of exercising a dog. Not only is the physical activity beneficial to the animal's health. Regular exercise in a controlled manner also serves to decrease the likelihood of destructive and inappropriate behavior. Instead of needing to invent means by which to expend his energy, the dog is exercised in a directed manner and incidents of inappropriate behavior decline.

Put simply, if you don't find a way to wear out your dog, your dog will find a way to wear you out! His idle paws will become a source of great frustration if not otherwise occupied. Thus, exercising your dog consistently will improve his behavior a great deal.

Many dog owners, however, find it difficult to find ways to sufficiently exercise their pet. This could be due to schedule or space limitations. Fortunately, there are a variety of means to exercise a dog.

The most traditional means of dog exercising remains one of the most effective: simply walking the dog can do wonders. We too often have a tendency to reduce walking the dog to a jaunt as short as is necessary for him to tend to his elimination needs. Although dog walking certainly serves this purpose, it is important to recognize that the act of walking one's dog also holds the promise of improving his behavior through exercise. Instead of cutting a walk short once his "business" is done, it is better to continue the walk for a longer period of time. Use the walk as exercise-as well as a great bonding opportunity.

Playing fetch is another great means by which a dog can be exercised. Even in an enclosed space, a smaller dog can get quite a workout from a brisk game of fetch. For those owners who are not feeling particular active, it is a great alternative to an extended walk, as it requires little or no real effort on the part of the owner. One can play fetch indoors with a smaller dog while watching a television program or simply relaxing in an easy chair.

Some have found they are able to train their dogs to walk on an indoor treadmill. If your dog is receptive to utilizing a treadmill, you can gain all of the advantages of lengthy walks without having to leave your home. Using a treadmill may not interest all dogs, however, and one is advised not to purchase a treadmill solely for use by a dog for that very reason.

There really is not limit to the number of ways one can find to exercise their dog. Every dog and every situation is at least slightly different, but all hold in common the presence of opportunities for quality exercise. These opportunities cannot be overlooked. Regular and significant exercise will improve a dog's health, create more opportunity for dog and owner interaction and can lead to amazing improvements in behavior.

You can recapture your dog's paws from the hands of the devil! If your dog tends to be difficult, implement a regular exercise regime. There is a strong chance that simple change will have a profound impact on his behavior.

Dog Article courtesy of

Panda Dog

An abandoned dog in Tokyo, Japan has been given a new lease of life after being given a makeover to make him look like a panda bear and be more appealing. Columbo, a poodle-maltese was given up by his owner who got married. It wasn't until a pet shop owner rescued him, covering up his stained coat with black dye to make him more cute and appealing. Now he is the most popular dog on the block.

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